Thanks to our Reading Club Sponsors!
The Library is open Saturdays 10:00-1:00.
The new library system can send out email warnings when books are due. Update your info.
The Library has over 50 decorative cake pans for loan.
Echoes of Remembrance
In memory of that fateful day,
When tragedy struck in a devastating way,
September 11, a date etched in time,
A moment that changed the course of our prime.
Twin towers stood, proud and tall,
Symbols of hope, for one and all,
But in an instant, they came crashing down,
Leaving rubble, and a sorrowful town.
Lives lost, dreams shattered, hearts broken,
Families torn, futures unspoken,
The brave first responders, who rushed to the scene,
Risking all, to save those unseen.
The flames that engulfed, the smoke that did rise,
The ashes that fell, from the clear blue skies,
The world watched in horror, as the towers did sway,
And in their collapse, a piece of us did stray.
Of courage, love, and a spirit that dwells,
In the hearts of those, who perished that day,
Their memories live on, never fade away.
May we honor them, and the sacrifices made,May we strive for peace, and a world not afraid,
May the lessons of 9/11, forever be told,
And in our hearts, may love and hope never grow old.
September is Library Card Sign Up Month-Renew your library card during the month, get entered in a drawing for one of five prize bags.
Genesis Baptist --
--Wednesday Night - Bible Study-Buna-6:00-7:00
--1st Sunday Breakfast-8:00-Sunday School-9:00-Church 10:00
--3rd Saturday-Man Pray Breakfast-7:00 PM
Tuesdays: Girl scouts @ 6-7 PM / library
Thursdays-Buna Public Library-Adult Social/ Craft Day 10:00 am
Thursday Mornings-Mom’s Connect/Kids, Coffee and Conversation-Buna-10:00-12:00 Every Thursday morning Central Baptist in Buna offers Mom’s a chance to get out and discuss…
Every Thursday-Recovery Meeting-Buna United Pentecostal hosts a recovery meeting at 6 P.M.
Scurlock Building-Weekly Events
Community-Tea Tuesdays- 10:00-2:00.
Throwback Thursdays-1st & 3rd Senior Social-55+ Welcome-
September 2- Chamber of Commerce Meeting-Meet and Greet at 6:30; Meeting starts at 7:00 at 1st National Bank of Jasper in Buna.
September 4, - Preschool Storytime @ 10:30
library kid area
September 4-Mystery Book Club-Silsbee Wednesday @ Silsbee library
September 6 - Lego Day-Buna Library 2-4 pm Limit to 20 kids Kindergarten – 5th grade
September 7- Digital Training @ 10:30- noon
@ library
September 7- Bake sale & food plates for the Outsliders’ Softball League
location old Brookshire Brother
September 9-Civic Club meeting 6:30 @ First Methodist Church - Buna
September 13- Pokémon Day Library @ 2-4 pm limit to 20 kids - All Ages
September 13-14 Library Yard sale @ 8-2 (weather permits)
September 14-LLST Book Club-Buna-Literary Ladies of Southeast Texas Book Club @ 10-12/ Library
September 14- Community Yard Sale @ 8-4 School Pavilion. Call for more information 503-729-0995
September 14-Scurlock Movie-Little Giants 5:00-7:00
September 16- Lions Club meeting @ Bridle club 7PM
September 18- Preschool story time @ 10:30 -library
September 24 – Meet the School Board Candidates @ 6-7 pm
First Methodist Church MAC Building, Sponsored by Buna Chamber of Commerce, Buna Public Library and First Methodist Church
September 27- After school activity@ 2-4 For all ages at the library
September 28- Bridle club playdate @ 7pm @ Bridle Club arena
September 7-Buna Girls Softball League Fundraiser Bakesale-Plate Lunches-Player Bracelets-Pre-order lunches by September 6.
Upcoming Event for October
Oct 18 – Buna Charmer of Commerce Taste of the Country 5-8 PM @ Buna UPC
Genealogy class coming up in October, date and time to be announced.